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Re: Bug in fork() while in a thread

On Aug 21 08:50, Jason Curl wrote:
> Open Group Posix.1c-2004 mentions only a "signal stack" doesn't need to be 
> copied for XSI.
> Linux & FreeBSD 7.0 work OK. QNX641 returns ENOSYS if it even sniffs a thread 
> call. I haven't tested Solaris Sparc. 
> Which standard is Cygwin "closest" to, that I can use as a reference when I 
> trip up on similar problems? I have the hint the SuSv4 implementation of Posix.

We're trying for Linux in the first place, with POSIX/SusV4 as fallback.
Due to a lot of Windows quirks and the limited number of Cygwin "kernel'
hackers, it's not exactly simple.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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