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Re: nodosfilewarning not working

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 06:59:26PM -0700, Autotoonz wrote:
>I just tried running the batch file directly (as a per the commands
>listed above), and the warning is now suppressed.  Because I was
>calling it from another batch file, the env variable was of course
>lost.  So my mistake here, although this is an easy trap to fall into
>for the unaware!

If you mean that batch file 1 sets the CYGWIN environment variable and
then directly runs batch file 2, then that works too.  That's how
environment variables work - once you set an environment variable it is
inherited by all subsequent processes unless the process goes out of its
way to reset it.

If you mean batch file 1 sets an environment variable and then, in
another window, you run batch file 2, then that will not have the
desired effect.


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