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Re: EXTERNAL: Virus that deletes everything under c:/cygwin?

On 3/29/2011 08:30, Dante Allegria wrote:
> Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>> Sure, it does. It's called "intelligent scripting" and it
>> includes setting "errexit" and "nounset" in bash or Z Shell.
>> If you are scripting 
>> and not using those above, then you got exactly what you
>> deserved.
> Thanks for the tip, Thorsten! Any ideas what the best practice is for doing this in Makefile rules? It seems rather onerous to put this in *every* rule.

Set the SHELLOPTS environment variable before calling make.  Set each
option you wish to enable in a colon separated list.  Read the bash
manpage for more details about that environment variable and the set
builtin command.


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