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Re: Does not work well: rlwrap + rxvt + cmd

On 8/25/2011 12:53 AM, Ronald of Steiermark wrote:
On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 09:03 -0700, "Andrew DeFaria"<>
On 08/24/11 08:52, Ronald of Steiermark wrote:
Yep, though right now I'm fancying zsh.
Where it makes sense, it's always good to go with what a lot of people
go with. How many Solaris machines have zsh installed?
All of them I've seen so far ;-)

Of course I am aware that there are also plenty Solaris hosts out there
where the admin hasn't bother to install it.
The question is whether or not it is installed by default. Many shops only install defaults. Often getting something non-default is like pulling teeth.
Andrew DeFaria <>
Why is bra singular and panties plural?

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