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Re: File size error using sftp

On 12/2/2011 7:50 AM, Andrew Erskine wrote:
Im using an enterprise tool to sftp files from a remote server but it
is failing with the error ..


> If i try and grab the file manually it works fine ..'re asking us to debug Unspecified Enterprise Tool Which Is Not Cygwin 2012 Edition (TM)?

I assume the 2012 Edition of Unspecified Enterprise Tool Which Is Not Cygwin uses Cygwin's sftp, else it wouldn't be on topic here.

If so, why doesn't it use scp? scp is a better tool for automated copying. Both scp and sftp ride on top of SSH, doing roughly the same thing, but with a different UI. scp mimics cp(1), while sftp mimics ftp(1). That makes sftp better for interactive use when the user isn't sure exactly what they want to copy before they connect.

The equivalent scp to what you show in your sftp session is:

scp ehealth@2e2ehpr01:modules/remotepoller/spool/rpCfg.3952.1322675313.dci .

(Quoted to prevent my mailer from wrapping the line.)

C:\Users\ehealth> C:\Users\ehealth>sftp ehealth@2e2ehpr01 Connected
to 2e2ehpr01. cygwin warning: MS-DOS style path detected:

Now you have a second opinion telling you to stop using CMD and DOS style paths with Cygwin. This one comes from the developers of the core Cygwin DLL, rather than some random guy answering questions on the Internet.

No entry for terminal type "nutc";

Upgrading to the latest Cygwin and using its new MinTTY based Bash shell icon will fix this. It doesn't have anything to do with your present problem, but the misconfiguration it warns about might cause some other failure for you down the line.

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