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Re: cygstart fails

Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote:
Thomas Wolff sent the following at Tuesday, January 14, 2014 4:26 PM
After today's setup update, cygstart (e.g. "cygstart .") fails
with: /usr/bin/cygstart.exe: error while loading shared libraries:
cygpopt-0.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
(happened on two systems, both on Windows 7 64 bit, with cygwin 32 bit;
works with cygwin 64 bit) ------ Thomas
Happened to me yesterday.  I installed popt and cygstart worked.

An update of the (now obsolete & empty) package libpopt0 removes cygpopt-0.dll. The file cygpopt-0.dll is now in package popt.

Various packages (chkconfig, cygutils*, rsync, ...) still have "requires: libpopt0" instead of "popt" in setup.ini. The setup.hint files of these packages should be changed accordingly.


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