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Re: AdminCygwin Release

Kitizo, I have an alternative solution that you may find helpful.  I
have created a batch file that automates the process of installing and
updating cygwin.  You can find the batch files at:

The specific files you need are:

The process is fairly simple:

1) Modify cygwin_setup_config.bat to match your site requirements.
2) Copy cygwin_setup.bat and cygwin_setup_config.bat to a target host.
3) Run cygwin_setup.bat on the target host.
4) Repeat 2 and 3 on your other hosts.

IMHO, this has a number of advantages over a MSI solution:

1) You end up with a standard Cygwin installation.  If you have a
   problem, you will be much more successful getting help from the
   cygwin mailing list.

2) If you decide that you want an additional package on each host, you
   just modify the config file and rerun cygwin_setup.bat on each
   host.  No need to generate a new .msi file.

3) Updating packages is much simpler.  Just rerun cygwin_setup.bat
   rather than uninstalling and reinstalling a .msi.

4) There is no need to release sources.

There is also a batch file that can do a full uninstall:

On Tue 2014-01-21 15:51, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
> On 1/21/2014 2:52 PM, BGINFO4X wrote:
> >>>Hello everyone,
> >>>
> >>>I'm trying to create a "Small Admin Cywgin relase", called AdminCgwin.
> >>>If it works, I will upload to sourceforge.
> >>>
> >>>These are the main lines:
> >>>
> >>>1- Create an installation windows package (.msi) with WIX.
> >>>
> >>>2- Default Installed packages: base + admin + apt-cyg.
> >>>The remaining packages should be installed via apt-cyg
> >>>
> >>>3- Customize /etc/profile to use folders outside the "Installation
> >>>folder".  Folders like Temp, Home must be out "cygwin installation
> >>>folder".
> >>>
> >>>4- Customize Cygwin.bat to start in a folder with spaces.
> >>>
> >>>5- Launch a custom action after msi installation, to execute
> >>>postinstall :
> >>>I will try to reset /etc/passwd & /etc/group to the "new SAM machine".
> >>>
> >>>Do you see any drawback that could broke cygwin? Do you have any
> >>>recommendation? I really appreciate your comments.
> >>
> >>
> >>I see lots of potential issues with something like this:
> >
> >But .... any issue related to "broke cygwin behaviour"?
> Certainly this would have the potential to interfere with any existing
> Cygwin installation.  Also, it's not clear to me that the post-install
> scripts for the packages you're bundling in the MSI will be run.
> >>not the least of which is that it will be a burden for you to keep up-to-date.
> >
> >I will not try to keep up-to-date. Only "major releases" will produce
> >a new .msi. Upgrades should be done via "apt-cyg".
> OK.  Obviously, depending on your audience, the multiple ways of installing
> and upgrading may be a stumbling block.  Also, a subsequent installation of
> Cygwin via setup*.exe could lead to problems.
> >>I think the question you have to ask yourself is what problem are you
> >>trying to solve and can it be done within the context of setup*.exe
> >>and the existing packages?
> >
> >Basically, the main idea is:
> >
> >1- Fast installation of the package (msi). Can be also installed
> >massively via Active Directory or specialized programs.
> OK, I'll take your word that your MSI package is "better" in this
> respect.
> >2- Fast administration of a windows machine once installed.
> Is there really a difference in usage once you've installed?  Seems to
> me there should be no difference but I don't know what the particulars are
> that you're thinking of.
> >3- Base platform for integration with other programs, like BGINFO4X or others.
> Again, it's not clear to me how the mechanism for installing Cygwin affects
> this, unless you see your MSI as growing to encompass these other programs
> as well.  If so, then your MSI has a value beyond installing Cygwin so
> that's one advantage of your approach.  I will admit, however, that I am
> no expert at building MSI installers so I can't make suggestions of
> alternative ways to structure an MSI install to leverage Cygwin installer
> and install other software as well.
> -- 
> Larry
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> > Q: Are you sure?
> >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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