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wspiapi.h uses _N conflicting with ctype.h

Here's a reduction of a problem I had compiling v8:

#include <ctype.h>
#include "wspiapi.h"
char array[5];

The reduction isn't realistic but the problem is real.

On one hand, ctype.h uses _N and it is within its "rights" to do so as
ctype.h is part of the standard library. The statement that uses _N
initially is "#define _N 04", so _N enters the global space of defined

On the other hand the template __wspiapi_countof_helper uses _N as the
name of one of its parameters. This usage is in the domain of strings
that can be interpreted as references to macros by the preprocessor,
so the _N gets interpreted by the post-preprocessor phases as 04,
causing some distress.

So... the win32 headers are free to use
leading-underscore-capital-letter symbols or no?

Anyway, how can this be addressed?

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