#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Version 2 # 9 July 2013 # # Modified to use xml format output from timegenie instead of text file # # Version 3 # 7 March 2014 # # Added checks for unicode currency names # # Version 3.1 # 23 June 2014 # # Added test for non-unicode strings to prevent a runtime warning # import sys import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import codecs from datetime import datetime from unidecode import unidecode outstr = '' outfile='/usr/share/units/currency.units' if len(sys.argv)==2 and sys.argv[1] != '--help' and sys.argv[1] != '-h': outfile = sys.argv[1] elif len(sys.argv) != 1: sys.stderr.write('\nUsage: {0} [filename]\n\n'.format(sys.argv[0])) sys.stderr.write('Update currency information for \'units\' into the specified filename or if no\n') sys.stderr.write('filename is given, the default: \'{0}\'.\n'.format(outfile)) sys.exit(1) try: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36600583/python-3-urllib-ignore-ssl-certificate-verification import ssl ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE currencies = ET.parse(urllib.request.urlopen('https://rss.timegenie.com/forex.xml',context=ctx)).findall('data') except IOError as exc: sys.stderr.write('Error connecting to currency server. {0}\n'.format(exc)) sys.exit(1) # print codes here codes = [x.find('code').text for x in currencies] names = [x.find('description').text for x in currencies] values = [x.find('rate').text for x in currencies] # Sometimes currency rates are missing from the xml file # Delete such currencies while True: try: none = values.index(None) sys.stderr.write('no rate for "%s" (%s)\n' % (names[none], codes[none])) del codes[none] del names[none] del values[none] except ValueError: break # Precious metals are showing up with weird prices (per gram?) # Delete them metalcodes = ['XAG','XAU','XPD','XPT'] for i in range(len(metalcodes)): try: badind = codes.index(metalcodes[i]) del codes[badind] del names[badind] del values[badind] except ValueError: break names = [x.lower().replace(' ','') for x in names] foundunicode=False for i in range(len(names)): if names[i] == 'anguilla(ecd)': names[i] = 'eastcaribbeandollar' if isinstance(names[i],str): # this test needed only for python2 ascii = unidecode(names[i]) else: ascii = names[i] if names[i] != ascii: if not foundunicode: foundunicode = True outstr += '# Unicode Currency Names\n\n!utf8\n' outstr += names[i] + ' ' *(23-len(names[i])) + ascii + '\n' names[i] = ascii if foundunicode: outstr += '!endutf8\n\n' outstr += '# ISO Currency Codes\n\n' outstr += '\n'.join([x + ' '*20 + y for x,y in zip(codes,names)]) usd = codes.index('USD') euro = codes.index('EUR') usdval = values[usd] values = ['1|' + x +' euro' for x in values] values[euro] = usdval + ' US$' del names[usd] del values[usd] # print rates here now = datetime.now() outstr += '\n\n# Currency exchange rates from Time Genie (www.timegenie.com)\n' outstr += '\n!message Currency exchange rates from www.timegenie.com on '+now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+'\n\n' maxlen = max(list(map(len,names))) + 2 outstr += '\n'.join([x.ljust(maxlen) + y for x,y in zip(names, values)]) # precious metals prices outstr += '\n\n# Precious metals prices from http://services.packetizer.com/spotprices/\n\n' try: spotprices = ET.parse(urllib.request.urlopen('http://services.packetizer.com/spotprices/?f=xml')) except IOError as exc: sys.stderr.write('Error connecting to spotprices server. {0}\n'.format(exc)) sys.exit(1) metals = ['gold','platinum','silver'] for metal in metals: outstr += '{0} {1} US$/troyounce\n'.format((metal+'price').ljust(15), spotprices.find(metal).text) try: if outfile == '-': info = codecs.lookup('utf8') outfile = codecs.StreamReaderWriter(sys.stdout, info.streamreader, info.streamwriter) else: outfile = codecs.open(outfile,'w','utf8') except IOError as exc: sys.stderr.write('Unable to write to output file. {0}\n'.format(exc)) sys.exit(1) outfile.write(outstr.replace('\n',os.linesep)) # In python3, open(outfile,mode='w',encoding='utf8') should work # and then the explicit newline handling won't be needed