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Re: Cygwin X11 Server slow performance

Paul Sheer wrote:
	Maybe you aren't familiar with 'X'.  X is just a graphical
transport.  It doesn't have menus unless some other program puts them up.
Try 'X' on linux -- running it from startX from a console and see
how easy it is to use.

NetSarang commercial X server has configuration menus to set keyboard
mappings, cut-paste behavior, and various other settings in a user
friendly manner.  It has orders of magnitude faster performance in a
side-by-side comparison using XEmacs Motif as a test application
displayed remotely over a 1GB LAN.
	That's fine, but how much does NetSarang cost for 10-15 years
of commercial support & upgrades?

	I use Gvim over a Gtk interface.  The fact that you are
comfortable with a 20 yr-old graphical interface, that was only
reasonably supported by commercial Unix vendors puts you in a
different class of users -- which was why I suggested an Apple
based OS in the first place.

But that fact that you are using the reason "X is just a graphical
transport" as an excuse makes me realize it is impossible to have a
conversation with you.
From my perspective, that's what it is, not too many programs are built on the Xlib et al. widget set. I tune my programs
and I/O more for file I/O and know my toolsets enough to know that
they don't do with small packets, but had file I/O tuned at 125megaB (mega=10**6) writes and 119megaB reads over a 1GB LAN
and now get 600+MB(M=2**20) reads and 275+ writes over a 8Gb LAN
(10 in name, but lose 20% to bus speed).  My speeds now, in file
I/O and in gvim are limited by CPU speed as Gvim does near full
syntax parsing for error and color display.
	Realize though, that the fact that you prefer a commercial
emacs version to a free X11+gtk Gvim sorta puts you more in a
commercial apple class which is another reason I pointed at
Apple based computers.  Also, even the fact that you prefer emacs
+ motif...makes it less likely you'll be happy with something
that requires more work on the part of the user to tune for the
OS + hardware; again=> apple.

I hope you appreciate my input, it certainly wasn't from a fanboy
of any of the OS's, point of view, but you've indicated you want
Cadillac features and support.  I suggest and hope you find what
you are looking for.

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