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Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mintty 2.9.0

On 07/02/2018 04:27 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Thomas Wolff writes:
>> I have uploaded mintty 2.9.0 with the following changes:
> […]
> No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.  One of these changes makes the
> cursor come out as static underline instead of blinking block whenever
> I'm going into my usual screen or tmux session.  I have not yet figured
> out what exactly is changing the cursor, but once I'm in screen nor tmux
> I can't change it for whatever reason (it might actually change and gets
> reset quickly enough so I can't see it).  Dropping out of the session I
> can send the escape sequence to switch back to blinking block (or
> whatever other cursor available), but reconnecting into the session
> brings the static underline back.  The best I have managed so far by
> compiling my own terminfo database is to get a static block cursor (not
> blinking) for a local session, but it breaks down as soon as I log into
> a remote system again.
> Can there be an option please to keep the cursor just as I've set it up
> in the options?
> Regards,
> Achim.

I just did the same install and do not observe what you do.
Everything seems fine regarding the cursor type.
One thing though is that I have not used mintty before. 
Do you think that my fresh ".minttyrc" file is different than your's?
Just a thought......

Roger Wells, P.E.
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