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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mintty 2.9.0

Greetings, Achim Gratz!

> Thomas Wolff writes:
>> Andrey quoted how he configures 'screen'; can you show the relevant part
>> of 'tmux' configuration please?

> It's not configured at all, just called through a script.  As part of
> the SSH invocation (through mosh) I set the terminal to screen-256color
> and start screen on the remote end.

Is it recognized by the remote? I suppose it does, but just to be extra sure.
I've seen systems that don't have half the terminals configured, causing all
sorts of random issues.

Plus screen could have its own ideas about running inside another screen.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, July 5, 2018 0:50:24

Sorry for my terrible english...

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