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Re: MinTTY requires gdiplus.dll ? (2)

On 2018-11-30 14:19, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

I'm trying to avoid remote debugging so I rather try to reproduce this
@work.  However, if you're interested in debugging this, set a
breakpoint to clk_monotonic_t::now() and observe how the call to the
virtual init() method hangs or crashes.  If you find out why, I'd be
most grateful.

Below I included parts of the diff between 1126 and 1129. You have been
refactoring the code related to "timing".

Above you state that the call to init() (clk_monotonic_t::init(), is my
understanding) from clk_monotonic_t::now() makes the cygwin1.dll end up
in "some mysterious loop" (my wording). At least on pre-W10 ...

Looking at the code (trying to understand it), it appears to me that it
is NOT "Windows version" dependent ...

My question: why do you claim in

that Windows 10 is NOT affected? Does W10 run a different "thread" in
the Cygwin codebase?



FILE: winsup/cygwin/clock.h:

+class clk_t
+ protected:
+  LONG inited;
+  LONGLONG ticks_per_sec;
+  virtual void init ();
+  virtual int now (clockid_t, struct timespec *) = 0

+class clk_monotonic_t : public clk_t
+ protected:
+  virtual void init ();
+ private:
+  virtual int now (clockid_t, struct timespec *);

FILE: winsup/cygwin/

+clk_t::init ()
+  spinlock spin (inited, 1);
+  if (!spin)
+    ticks_per_sec = system_tickcount_resolution ();

+clk_monotonic_t::init ()
+  spinlock spin (inited, 1);
+  if (!spin)
+    ticks_per_sec = system_qpc_resolution ();

+clk_monotonic_t::now (clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *ts)
+  if (wincap.has_precise_interrupt_time ())
+    {
+      /* Suspend time not taken into account, as on Linux */
+      ULONGLONG now;
+      QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise (&now);
+      ts->tv_sec = now / NS100PERSEC;
+      now %= NS100PERSEC;
+      ts->tv_nsec = now * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+ /* Skip rounding since
+         its almost always wrong when working with timestamps */
+      UINT64 bias;
+      LARGE_INTEGER now;
+      struct timespec bts;
+      if (inited <= 0)
+ init (); // Henri: invocation of clk_monotonic_t::init()
+      do
+       {
+         bias = SharedUserData.InterruptTimeBias;
+         QueryPerformanceCounter(&now);
+       }
+      while (bias != SharedUserData.InterruptTimeBias);
+      /* Convert perf counter to timespec */
+      ts->tv_sec = now.QuadPart / ticks_per_sec;
+      now.QuadPart %= ticks_per_sec;
+      ts->tv_nsec = (now.QuadPart * NSPERSEC) / ticks_per_sec;
+      /* Convert bias to timespec */
+      bts.tv_sec = bias / NS100PERSEC;
+      bias %= NS100PERSEC;
+      bts.tv_nsec = bias * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC);
+      /* Subtract bias from perf */
+      ts_diff (bts, *ts);
+    }
+  return 0;


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