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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin 3.0.0-1

On 2019-02-17 10:07, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> On 2019-02-17 09:42, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> On Feb 17 18:28, Andrey Repin wrote:
>>>> The redirection issue I mentioned for 3.0-0.9 is still happens.
>>>> And I see the STC did not made it to the list.
>>>> Hamsters were hungry, I guess... Let's try without attachments.
>>>> TYPE "%SystemRoot%\win.ini" | diff -u "%SystemRoot%\win.ini" -
>>> I'm baffled.  diff calls fstat on descriptor 0.  fstat returns
>>> with st_mode set to S_IFIFO | S_IRUSR, so it *knows* descriptor
>>> 0 is a pipe and thus not seekable.  Nevertheless it calls lseek
>>> just a bit later to seek back to the beginning of input.
>> Appears to be running under Windows shell (TYPE) and pipe redirection - could
>> that make a difference under some Windows versions about what is known?
>> What are uname -srvmo and cmd /c ver?
> It's Win7Pro/RUS SP1 64-bit, if that's what you were after.
> (Can't install back 3.0 right now, but I'll do that later if it's important.)
> $ cmd /c ver
> Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

No problems for me under Win10 1809 with previous Cygwin release - after current
> TYPE "%SystemRoot%\win.ini" | diff -u "%SystemRoot%\win.ini" -
diff: -: Illegal seek

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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