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Re: rename a user using setfacl -- possible? how?

Greetings, L A Walsh!

> Have an acl on a file 'testfile' that appears to include a userid
> with a GUID corresponding to some older value for the local system.

> I'm gave the old guid a name in /etc/group different from its name,
> say calling it 'oldname' (where current name, is say, 'curname').

> I guess I don't know how to modify an entry to either 1-rename it, or
> 2 add the new entry.

You don't.
If you want to change name for display purposes, look into nsswitch.conf and
associated documentation.
Cygwin do not invent its own users/groups/ids/guids. It maps Windows
permissions to some POSIX equivalent, but internally it still using native

> I tried setfacl -x group:oldname:rwx -m group:curname:rwx but got:

> setfacl: illegal acl entries

Seems like it did not recognize the group name. At least that's how it react

> will setfacl not work for this task?

It should, but I strongly suggest to avoid using it outside Cygwin directory
tree to maintain maximum interoperability with Windows programs.

> How do you add a new user to the access list -- obviously -x removes
> a user, but not sure if 'add' is covered by -m or whether or not you 'add'
> by specifying the new entry.

I just found out that if you configure cygdrive with noacl, getfacl tell
you to find better ways to express yourself. And setfacl will silently fail
(which is questionable behavior, TBH).

> BTW -- is there an easy way to see the numeric values it is using
> for a given name?

> Like:
> group:Local account and member of Administrators group:rwx

getent passwd
getent group

> I remember seeing that, but it isn't in my /etc/group file.

It should not.

> Tried getfacl with -n but that doesn't seem to be an option
> to display a numeric GUID.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Saturday, July 6, 2019 11:09:23

Sorry for my terrible english...

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