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Re: How to query the value of %SystemDrive% in an empty environment?

On Aug  6 10:10, Bill Stewart wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 9:53 AM Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > How so?  SYSTEMDRIVE is the drive SYSTEMROOT is installed on, no?
> "The system volume refers to the disk volume that contains the
> hardware-specific files that are needed to start Windows, such as
> Ntldr, Boot.ini, and"
> "The boot volume refers to the disk volume that contains the Windows
> operating system files and the supporting files. By default, the
> Windows operating system files are in the WINDOWS folder, and the
> supporting files are in the WINDOWS\System32 folder."
> "The boot volume can be the same volume as the system volume. However,
> this configuration is not required. There is only one system volume.
> However, there is one boot volume for each operating system in a
> multiboot system."

Nothing in there says that SYSTEMDRIVE == "system volume". claims that
"The %SystemDrive% variable is a special system-wide environment
variable found on Windows NT and its derivatives. Its value is the drive
upon which the system directory was placed."


Corinna Vinschen
Cygwin Maintainer

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