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Re: Clang is using the wrong memory model

On 18/08/2019 13.57, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Nope, Cygwin uses the Windows loader.

Then, how do you do the extra linking? What is producing the "Cygwin runtime failure" message when loading/linking a DLL fails?

  If the medium model is wasteful in clang, that's a clang
optimization problem, not a Cygwin problem.

The medium model in Clang is not wasteful. It does exactly what it is designed to do. It was never designed with Cygwin in mind. The program build with a medium model is wasteful because it makes all addresses 64 bits when few or no addresses actually need to be 64 bits.

If you want to use the small model in your own projects, great, if it
works for you.
It is not for my own project. I am writing manuals on how to optimize software.


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