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Re: Where is igawk and why doesn't @include replicate this feature?

On Wed, 11 Sep 2019 16:54:49, Troy Kenah wrote:
I used to embed @include junk.awk statements to reduce repetitive code but
this no longer works. These were files were not functions, simply code
snippets; this is the type of error I am now seeing:

gawk: get_FY2019Q1OIC.awk:28: @include "../inc/segments.awk"
gawk: get_FY2019Q1OIC.awk:28:  ^ syntax error
gawk: get_FY2019Q1OIC.awk:36:         fromdate=mktime("2019 09 01 00 00 00")
gawk: get_FY2019Q1OIC.awk:36:                         ^ syntax error
gawk: get_FY2019Q1OIC.awk:36:         fromdate=mktime("2019 09 01 00 00 00")
gawk: get_FY2019Q1OIC.awk:36:
 ^ 0 is invalid as number of arguments for mktime

Works fine here:

   $ gawk --version
   GNU Awk 5.0.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.1.2)

   $ cat one.awk
   function f1(n1) {
      return n1 + 10

   $ cat two.awk
   @include "one.awk"
   BEGIN {
      print f1(20)

   $ gawk -f two.awk

Finally, I would make a suggestion. "@include" is not POSIX, so if you find
yourself relying on something like this more and more, it might be better to
switch to a proper programming language. Something like Perl, Lua or Tcl.

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