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Re: Bug in TIME function

On 2019-09-12 11:05, wrote:
The code below returns -1. It shouldn't.

Says who?

I don't see anything in the specification which says that a null pointer argument is allowed:

Passing a null pointer to an ISO C or POSIX library function results in undefined behavior,
except where it is documented otherwise.

GNU/Linux (specifically the Glibc implementation of libc) also doesn't
document any such extension (being able to pass a null pointer to times).

So even in light of the goal of Cygwin providing GNU/Linux compatibility
beyond POSIX, there is no justification for supporting times(0).

#include <sys/times.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  printf("return value %ld\n", (long)times((struct tms*)0));

The pointer cast is not required here; you have a prototype of
the times function in scope; the equivalent times(0) will give you
the undefined behavior you're asking for.

  return 0;

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