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Re: Issue in Java path

On 9/24/2019 3:38 AM, Rakhi Batra - Assistant Manager Publication wrote:
I am facing an issue in the path of the file. Whenever I am executing the
below command. The slashes in classpath are replaced with dots and I am
unable to navigate to files in order to run the scripts. Kindly guide why
this is happening and what is the solution. Thank you.

(java $JAVA_OPTS -classpath `cygpath -pu $CLASSPATH` "$@")

Seeing as you did not supply specifics it's a little hard to know exactly
what's going on, but it is conceivable that you need to put $CLASSPATH
inside double quotes, i.e., if it has the Windows ; separator in it.  Also,
I discovered that if Windows drives are mentioned, such as C:, the next
character needs to be \, that is: C:\..., not (e.g.) C:a\b.

But turning \ or / into . would not have been done by cygpath.  That
would be done by Java.

But lastly I note that I am not aware of any version of Java built for
cygwin.  Java is a Windows program, so you'd be wanting something more

java $JAVA_OPTS -classpath "$(cygpath -pw "$CLASSPATH")" ...

$(...) is the more modern version of ` `, which is now deprecated.
The " " around $( ) is to prevent the ; in the path from ending the
java command line as it is being processed by bash.

For a path that starts with drive letter C (say), start the path with

Regards - EM

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