[ECOS] Redboot and ethernet

Chuck McManis cmcmanis@mcmanis.com
Mon Feb 13 00:30:00 GMT 2006

So I'm looking at configuring Redboot with ethernet support (I'm trying to 
build a package that includes the Rhine ethernet driver on the x86 target).

The current "technique" is
	ecosconfig new pc redboot
	ecosconfig add CYGPKG_IO_ETH_DRIVERS
	ecosconfig tree

But of course that builds the 82559 driver into redboot rather than the 
preferred driver. I'd rather the steps were:
	ecosconfig new pc redboot
	ecosconfig add CYGPKG_ETH_xxx (add your driver stack)
	#	ecosconfig add CYGPKG_IO_ETH_DRIVERS (this gets sucked in)
	ecosconfig tree

Now the assumption I'm making is that if you add in an ethernet driver you 
want to enable ethernet drivers to redboot but I could do either here.

Anyway, what file(s) do I change to change the initial makeup of the 
redboot ecc file? (I'm guessing redboot.ect but would like confirmation) 
anything else I need to do?


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