[RFA] dwarf2cfi.c obstack usage

Michal Ludvig mludvig@suse.cz
Fri Jun 7 07:47:00 GMT 2002

Hi all,
functions in dwarf2cfi rely on obstack initialisation from 
parse_frame_info() that is mostly called as the first one. However not 
always. In such a case gdb usually segfaults, because it tries to use 
random pointers from uninitialized unwind_tmp_obstack structure.
This fix adds obstack_init to every function that finally calls 
Simple one. If noone objects within a day or two I'll commit it as 
obvious. OK?

Michal Ludvig
* SuSE CR, s.r.o     * mludvig@suse.cz
* +420 2 9654 5373   * http://www.suse.cz
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