Fastest String Search Algorithm.

Amit Choudhary
Sun Jun 6 14:15:01 GMT 2021

Hi All,

I have invented the fastest string search algorithm. It is called
"Choudhary Algorithm". I am sharing it here, in case glibc wants to include
it in for strstr().

I have compared my algorithm my other standard algorithms and below are the

You can view the results and source code of the algorithm and text/pattern

The search text is around 60 KB long and the pattern is 27 bytes.


Pattern found at index 30384

Time taken by Brute Force algorithm = 57,151,900 ns.
Time taken by Boyer Moore algorithm = 25,012,100 ns.
Time taken by Rabin Karp algorithm = 613,410,200 ns.
Time taken by Knuth Morris Pratt Force algorithm = 58,461,200 ns.
Time taken by Choudhary algorithm = 17,413,000 ns. (Fastest).

Choudhary string search algorithm is the fastest.



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