when are new versions released?

Andreas Jaeger aj@arthur.rhein-neckar.de
Sun May 9 08:31:00 GMT 1999

>>>>> Linas Vepstas writes:

Linas> Hi,

Linas> I haven't heard a peep about new versions of egcs or glibc 
Linas> in many months.  A month ago, I dropped a patch for s/390
Linas> egcs-1.1.2 and it echoed like a bottomless pit.  I have 
Linas> a new improved patch ready ... I am concerned ... are the 
Linas> maintainers overworked?

You're not reading linux-gcc, are you?  glibc 2.1.1pre2 has just been
released and is in release testing stage.  egcs 1.1.2 was released
some weeks ago.

Btw. the lists you addressed aren't involved with egcs development,
contact the egcs folks directly at < http://egcs.cygnus.com >.

Linas> I also have a patch ready against glibc-2.1 for s/390.  Who 
Linas> wants that?  Where do I send it to make it official?
libc-alpha@cygnus.com but it might be that you need to sign some
copyright papers before it can be applied.  Just send the patch.

Why are you insulting glibc and egcs developers?  With this attitude
you don't make yourself welcome and others might ignore you.

 Andreas Jaeger   aj@arthur.rhein-neckar.de    jaeger@informatik.uni-kl.de
  for pgp-key finger ajaeger@aixd1.rhrk.uni-kl.de

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