Change in libc-hacker list handling

Jason Molenda
Wed May 12 22:06:00 GMT 1999


I've changed the libc-alpha mailing list justa bit.  The list address used
to be, it is now
Mail sent to the address will continue to work for the near
future, please get used to typing the new address.


Uli asked me to set up libc-hacker such that people subscribed to the
list are the only ones able to send mail to it.

If you send mail from multiple locations, you'll need to get those extra
addresses added to a separate subscription list.  If you send mail from, you should send an empty mail note to

  The "libc-hacker" specifies the list name;

  "allow" specifies the special list of people who may post but don't 
  receive mail;

  "subscribe" is pretty obvious;

  "" is "" with the @ replaced by a =

After sending a mail note to this address, you'll get a mail note from
the list software (sent to your address) to confirm that
this address is valid.  You reply to this query, and then an approval
note is sent to Uli.  Once Uli approves this, you'll be added to the
allowed posters list.

NB:  None of this requires you to send mail from ""--if
you have a forward from to,
you can send everything from your system.


How do you know what address you're subscribed under?
Look at the From_ header of this mail note.  It will look like
"".  This means
you're subscribed as "".

There are searchable web archives of this list, see

There are mbox formatted archives in the glibc ftp directory.  

For information about subscribing/unsubscribing from this list, check
this page:

There is a web page containing all of the various URLs I'm discussing
here, see

I know this mail list software is strange and most people are unfamiliar
with it.  Contact me directly with any questions or concerns.

Free the Software!

More information about the Libc-hacker mailing list