I'll be gone (again)

Ulrich Drepper drepper@redhat.com
Thu May 30 21:11:00 GMT 2002

Not for the last time this year, I'll be gone for a few days, starting
tomorrow morming my time.  I'll be back on the 10th.  I'll hopefully be
reading mail at least once a day.

I'd appreciate if we could step up the speed for the 2.3 work a bit.  If
I'm doing development myself lots of patches are not reviewed.  Please
see whether you can look into the items on the to do list (I'm finishing
the locale archive soon, so don't bother looking into this).

There are also a few more things:

- the various *xattr syscalls which were introduced in the 2.5 kernel
might need libc support.  I guess they do.  But somebody should contact
whoever wrote the code and ask them about the API which should be

- we should get support for the


  symlinks.  This is how the kernel headers should be found (for
compiling glibc, not for using it).  We need some configure changes.  It
would also be good to allow the user to specify with version to use. 
Ideally the --enable-kernel flag would also have something to do with
this.  I haven't thought it out so be creative.

- at the last POSIX meeting we finally decided that


  is needed.  I'm not sure how much we'll have to change. At least the
FILE-over-mmap implementation has to change a bit

- if somebody wants to do something for the locale code: we will have to
allow locales which only have the three letter country code.  This is a
minor change in localedef.

There are probably some other things.  If/when I remember I send it

---------------.                          ,-.   1325 Chesapeake Terrace
Ulrich Drepper  \    ,-------------------'   \  Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
Red Hat          `--' drepper at redhat.com   `------------------------
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