fix linuxthreads/tst-popen2 on arm

Philip Blundell
Wed Sep 17 16:37:00 GMT 2003

Here's a patch for the arm vfork code in linuxthreads.


-------------- next part --------------
2003-09-17  Philip Blundell  <>

	* sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/vfork.S: Branch to fork if
	libpthread is loaded.  Elide backwards compatibility code when not

Index: linuxthreads/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/vfork.S
RCS file: /cvs/glibc/libc/linuxthreads/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/vfork.S,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.2 vfork.S
--- linuxthreads/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/vfork.S	15 Jan 2003 01:06:06 -0000	1.2
+++ linuxthreads/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/vfork.S	17 Sep 2003 16:34:32 -0000
@@ -20,36 +20,59 @@
 #include <sysdep-cancel.h>
 #define _ERRNO_H	1
 #include <bits/errno.h>
+#include <kernel-features.h>
-/* Clone the calling process, but without copying the whole address
+/* Clone the calling process, but without copying the whole address space.
    The calling process is suspended until the new process exits or is
-   replaced by a call to `execve'.  Return -1 for errors, 0 to the new
+   replaced by a call to `execve'.  Return -1 for errors, 0 to the new process,
    and the process ID of the new process to the old process.  */
 ENTRY (__vfork)
-	bne	HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET (__fork)
 #ifdef __NR_vfork
+#ifdef SHARED
+	ldr	ip, 1f
+	ldr	r0, 2f
+3:	add	ip, pc, ip
+	ldr	r0, [ip, r0]
+	ldr	r0, 1f
+	movs	r0, r0
+	bne	HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET (__fork)
 	swi	__NR_vfork
 	cmn	a1, #4096
 	RETINSTR(movcc, pc, lr)
 	/* Check if vfork syscall is known at all.  */
-	ldr	a2, =-ENOSYS
-	teq	a1, a2
+	cmn	a1, #ENOSYS
 	bne	PLTJMP(C_SYMBOL_NAME(__syscall_error))
 	/* If we don't have vfork, fork is close enough.  */
 	swi	__NR_fork
 	cmn	a1, #4096
 	RETINSTR(movcc, pc, lr)
+#elif !defined __NR_vfork
+# error "__NR_vfork not available and __ASSUME_VFORK_SYSCALL defined"
     	b	PLTJMP(C_SYMBOL_NAME(__syscall_error))
+#ifdef SHARED
+1:	.word	_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ - 3b - 8
+2:	.word	__libc_pthread_functions(GOTOFF)
+	.weak	pthread_create
+1:	.word	pthread_create
 PSEUDO_END (__vfork)
 libc_hidden_def (__vfork)

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