Compiling libstdc++-2.90.7 on Solaris 7

Benjamin Kosnik
Sat Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2000

If you want me to do it, I'll need a FreeBSD or NetBSD box, or access to
one. And allocated time to work on it. Since that possibility is pretty
remote, I suggest you submit fixes. . .


Assuming glibc and egcs-2.95.2, the port would seemingly be minimal. I
don't understand why recent *BSD's don't really work out of the box, or
why people seem to have so many problems with the wchar_t stuff, but I
can't really do anything except wave my hands right now. . .

(hand waving)


> So out of curiosity, what does it take to get these sorts of things fixed
> for FreeBSD and NetBSD?  Do you need someone from one of those camps to
> actually submit fixes, or is this something that the current team will
> (eventually) tend to?

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