Help me isolate a bug!

David Rasmussen
Sat Sep 28 07:54:00 GMT 2002

Hello there!

I think I've found a bug in libstdc++, but I'm not sure. And I'm not sure
how to isolate it. Could someone help me?

What I am doing is basically this:

I want to have non-blocking input from stdin. Of course, C++ doesn't make
this possible. So I use a combination of POSIX and C++. What I do is this:

I have a function, InputWaiting(), that return true if there unprocessed
input on stdin, and false if there isn't:

bool InputWaiting()
 if (cin.rdbuf()->in_avail())
  return true;

 fd_set readfds;
 FD_SET(fileno(stdin), &readfds);

 struct timeval tv;
 tv.tv_sec = 0;
 tv.tv_usec = 0;
 select(16, &readfds, 0, 0, &tv);

 int data = FD_ISSET(fileno(stdin), &readfds);
 return (data != 0);

The idea is that data is either waiting in cin's buffer, or in the stdin
file of the OS, which is checked by select. As I see it, the data can't be
anywhere else.
>From another function, I check if input is waiting, and if it is, I fetch a
whole line. If a whole line is not yet available, this will be blocking. But
due to the nature of my application, the rest of the line will come quickly,
so this is ok:

void ProcessOneInputLine()
 if (currentLineParsed)

 currentLineParsed = ParseInput(currentLine); // ParseInput returns false if
the line couldn't be parsed, yet. This means we have to abort what we are

void ProcessWaitingInput()
 while (!currentLineParsed || InputWaiting())

  if (!currentLineParsed)
   abortSearch = true; // The line couldn't be passed while we're busy, so
we abort, and the line gets processed elsewhere.

  if (abortSearch)

This works on all sorts of platforms, and compilers I've tried (Sun, Intel,
gcc 2.95.x with it's libstdc++2), but it hasn't worked since gcc 3.0, and
Is my code incorrect? Or does libstdc++3 have a bug?
What happens, apparently, is that sometimes, InputWaiting() will return
false, even if there is input. And it will keep doing so from then on. It
happens, I think, for instance when more than one line is sent at a time on
stdin. For instance if this is coming on stdin:
It doesn't happen when just
is sent and then a moment later
is sent.

I've tried both cin.setf(ios::unitbuf), and cin.rdbuf()->setbuf(NULL,0) to
make cin unbuffered. But this doesn't help.

Any ideas?


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