Subject: emacs 29.2-1

Ken Brown
Fri Feb 2 00:31:56 GMT 2024

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution.

* emacs-29.2-1

This is a virtual package that forces installation of one of the 
following four "binary" packages.  If you don't select one of these 
four, then emacs-basic will be installed by default.

* emacs-basic-29.2-1
* emacs-w32-29.2-1
* emacs-gtk-29.2-1
* emacs-lucid-29.2-1

Each of these packages contains an emacs binary of the same name as the 
package.  For example, emacs-basic provides /usr/bin/emacs-basic.exe.

* emacs-common-29.2-1

This contains files needed by each of the four binaries.

Emacs is a powerful, customizable, self-documenting, modeless text 
editor.  Emacs contains special code editing features, a scripting 
language (elisp), and the capability to read mail, news, and more 
without leaving the editor.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.  It is a bug-fix 
release, with no new features with respect to Emacs 29.1.

This release was *not* built with the native compilation feature, which 
still needs more testing on Cygwin.  I will make a test release built 
with native compilation shortly.


1. The four binary packages emacs-basic, emacs-w32, emacs-gtk, and
    emacs-lucid have been listed in order of increasing "priority".
    The postinstall scripts create a symlink /usr/bin/emacs that
    resolves to the highest-priority binary that you have installed.
    Thus the command 'emacs' will start emacs-lucid.exe if you've
    installed the emacs-lucid package; otherwise, it will start
    emacs-gtk.exe if you've installed emacs-gtk; otherwise, it will
    start emacs-w32.exe if you've installed emacs-w32; otherwise, it
    will start emacs-basic.exe.  Similar remarks apply to emacsclient.

    If you have installed more than one of the binary packages and
    don't like the default resolution of /usr/bin/emacs, you can run
    one of the /usr/bin/set-emacs-default-*.sh scripts to change it.
    For example,


    will make /usr/bin/emacs resolve to /usr/bin/emacs-w32.exe,
    regardless of which packages you've installed.

2. Install emacs-gtk if you want to use the X11 GUI with the GTK+
    toolkit.  You can then type 'emacs&' in an xterm window, and
    emacs-gtk.exe will start in a new window.  If you prefer the Lucid
    toolkit, install emacs-lucid instead.

3. Install emacs-w32 if you want to use the native Windows GUI instead
    of X11.

4. Install emacs-basic if you want a minimal emacs with no GUI.

5. If you use the Emacs MH-E library for email, consider installing
    Cygwin's mailutils-mh package.  To use it, put the line

      (load "mailutils-mh")

    in your site-start.el or ~/.emacs file.

6. If you have sshd running and want to be able to run emacs-gtk or
    emacs-lucid from a remote machine, you need to enable X11
    forwarding by adding the following line to /etc/sshd_config:

      X11Forwarding yes

    You might also need to have the cygserver service running.

7. The script /usr/bin/make-emacs-shortcut can be used to create a
    shortcut for starting emacs.  See
    /usr/share/doc/emacs/README.Cygwin for details.


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