Updated: mintty 3.7.1

Thomas Wolff towo@towo.net
Sat Feb 24 18:54:08 GMT 2024

I have uploaded mintty 3.7.1 with the following changes:

Terminal features
   * Dropped DSR 53 (legacy xterm mistake, dropped in xterm 389).
   * HTML screen dump supports subscript or superscript.
   * HTML screen dump supports DEC double-width lines and pairs of
double-height lines.
   * Tweak DECRQCRA Rectangular Checksum to match xterm (~#1225, xterm 390).
   * Fix status area refresh, especially after restoring a minimized window.
   * Workaround for rendering failure of top-left background text on
background image.
   * Fix invisible and blinking attributes on background image.
   * Added XTQMODKEYS to DECRQSS (#1189, xterm 389).

   * Fix handling of options to be saved (#1246, #1247).
   * Tune and fix click-opening URL (mintty/wsltty#346, #1254).
   * Fix layout of Options dialog Selection pane (#1257).

Window handling
   * Fix instable window switching after minimize/restore (#1242, #1249).
   * Fix window switching (Ctrl+ALT) after minimize/restore (#1242).
   * New rewrap per-line disable mode DECRST 7723 (deprecated 2027, #1255).
   * Semi-workaround for transparency loss when resizing unfocused
grid-snapped window (#1256).

   * New user-definable key Alt for option KeyFunctions (#1245).
   * New user-definable function intr (~#1245).

The homepage is at http://mintty.github.io/
It also links to the issue tracker.


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