[calm - Cygwin server-side packaging maintenance script] branch master, updated. 20230209-68-ga7b9859

Jon Turney jturney@sourceware.org
Thu Mar 21 14:52:17 GMT 2024


commit a7b98593240e6b700b1e77cb8888f676f005f585
Author: Jon Turney <jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk>
Date:   Sun Mar 17 13:46:28 2024 +0000

    Use inotify to detect when there's work to be done
    Rather than signals (which can only be sent by the same uid), use
    inotify to detect when there's work to process in upload or staging
    directory, or when a change has been made in the relarea.

 calm/calm.py | 153 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/calm/calm.py b/calm/calm.py
index 4e6c035..f9baea7 100755
--- a/calm/calm.py
+++ b/calm/calm.py
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import signal
 import sys
 import tempfile
 import time
+from enum import Flag, auto, unique
 import xtarfile
@@ -660,54 +661,38 @@ def do_output(args, state):
 # daemonization loop
+class Event(Flag):
+    read_uploads = auto()
+    read_relarea = auto()
 def do_daemon(args, state):
     import daemon
+    import inotify.adapters
     import lockfile.pidlockfile
+    logging.getLogger('inotify.adapters').propagate = False
     context = daemon.DaemonContext(
+    # XXX: running flag isn't actually doing anything anymore so can be removed
     running = True
-    read_relarea = True
-    read_uploads = True
-    last_signal = None
-    # signals! the first, and best, interprocess communications mechanism! :)
-    def sigusr1(signum, frame):
-        logging.debug("SIGUSR1")
-        nonlocal last_signal
-        last_signal = signum
-        nonlocal read_uploads
-        read_uploads = True
-    def sigusr2(signum, frame):
-        logging.debug("SIGUSR2")
-        nonlocal last_signal
-        last_signal = signum
-        nonlocal read_relarea
-        read_relarea = True
-    def sigalrm(signum, frame):
-        logging.debug("SIGALRM")
-        nonlocal last_signal
-        last_signal = signum
-        nonlocal read_relarea
-        read_relarea = True
-        nonlocal read_uploads
-        read_uploads = True
+    # do all actions initially
+    action = Event.read_uploads | Event.read_relarea
+    saw_events = False
     def sigterm(signum, frame):
         nonlocal running
         running = False
+        raise InterruptedError
     context.signal_map = {
-        signal.SIGUSR1: sigusr1,
-        signal.SIGUSR2: sigusr2,
-        signal.SIGALRM: sigalrm,
         signal.SIGTERM: sigterm,
@@ -718,36 +703,32 @@ def do_daemon(args, state):
         state.packages = {}
+        # watch for changes in relarea, upload and staging directories
+        i = inotify.adapters.InotifyTrees([args.rel_area, args.homedir, args.stagingdir],
+                                          mask=inotify.constants.IN_CREATE | inotify.constants.IN_DELETE | inotify.constants.IN_CLOSE_WRITE | inotify.constants.IN_ATTRIB | inotify.constants.IN_MOVED_TO,
+                                          block_duration_s=60)
             while running:
-                with mail_logs(state):
-                    # re-read relarea on SIGALRM or SIGUSR2
-                    if read_relarea:
-                        if last_signal != signal.SIGALRM:
-                            irk.irk("calm processing release area")
-                        read_relarea = False
-                        state.packages = process_relarea(args, state)
-                    if not state.packages:
-                        logging.error("errors in relarea, not processing uploads or writing setup.ini")
-                    else:
-                        if read_uploads:
-                            if last_signal != signal.SIGALRM:
-                                irk.irk("calm processing uploads")
-                            # read uploads on SIGUSR1
-                            read_uploads = False
-                            state.packages = process_uploads(args, state)
-                        do_output(args, state)
+                if action:
+                    with mail_logs(state):
+                        if Event.read_relarea in action:
+                            if saw_events:
+                                irk.irk("calm processing release area")
+                            state.packages = process_relarea(args, state)
+                        if not state.packages:
+                            logging.error("errors in relarea, not processing uploads or writing setup.ini")
+                        else:
+                            if Event.read_uploads in action:
+                                if saw_events:
+                                    irk.irk("calm processing uploads")
+                                state.packages = process_uploads(args, state)
-                        # if there is more work to do, but don't spin if we
-                        # can't do anything because relarea is bad
-                        if read_uploads:
-                            continue
+                            do_output(args, state)
-                    # if there is more work to do
-                    if read_relarea:
-                        continue
+                        if saw_events:
+                            irk.irk("calm processing done")
                 # we wake at a 10 minute offset from the next 240 minute boundary
                 # (i.e. at :10 past every fourth hour) to check the state of the
@@ -755,23 +736,63 @@ def do_daemon(args, state):
                 interval = 240 * 60
                 offset = 10 * 60
                 delay = interval - ((time.time() - offset) % interval)
-                signal.alarm(int(delay))
+                next_scan_time = time.time() + delay
+                if action:
+                    logging.info("next rescan in %d seconds" % (delay))
+                action = Event(0)
+                saw_events = False
+                depth = args.rel_area.count(os.path.sep) + 1
+                # It would be nice to use inotify.adaptor's timeout feature so
+                # we go at least a few seconds without events, to ensure that we
+                # don't start processing in the middle of a flurry of events.
+                # Unfortunately, that goes back to waiting for the full
+                # block_duration_s if timeout hasn't expired...
+                for event in i.event_gen(yield_nones=True):
+                    if event is not None:
+                        logging.debug("inotify event %s" % str(event))
+                        saw_events = True
+                        (_, type_names, path, filename) = event
+                        if path.startswith(args.rel_area):
+                            # ignore sha512.sum and modifications to setup.*
+                            # files in the arch directory
+                            if (filename != 'sha512.sum') and (path.count(os.path.sep) > depth):
+                                action |= Event.read_relarea
+                        elif path.startswith(args.stagingdir):
+                            action |= Event.read_uploads
+                        elif (path.startswith(args.homedir)) and (filename == "!ready"):
+                            action |= Event.read_uploads
+                    else:
+                        # None means no more events are currently available, so
+                        # break to process actions
+                        break
-                # wait until interrupted by a signal
-                if last_signal != signal.SIGALRM:
-                    irk.irk("calm processing done")
-                logging.info("sleeping for %d seconds" % (delay))
-                signal.pause()
-                logging.info("woken")
+                if not saw_events:
+                    if time.time() > next_scan_time:
+                        logging.debug("scheduled rescan")
+                        action |= (Event.read_uploads | Event.read_relarea)
+                if action:
+                    logging.info("woken, actions %s" % action)
+        except InterruptedError:
+            # inotify module has the annoying behaviour of eating any EINTR
+            # returned by the poll on inotify fd, assuming it's indicating a
+            # timeout rather than a signal
+            #
+            # so we arrange for signals to raise an InterruptedError
+            # exception, to pop out here
+            irk.irk("calm daemon stopped by SIGTERM")
-                # cancel any pending alarm
-                signal.alarm(0)
         except Exception as e:
             with BufferingSMTPHandler(toaddrs=args.email, subject='calm stopping due to unhandled exception'):
                 logging.error("exception %s" % (type(e).__name__), exc_info=True)
             irk.irk("calm daemon stopped due to unhandled exception")
-            irk.irk("calm daemon stopped")
+            irk.irk("calm daemon stopped for unknown reason")
         logging.info("calm daemon stopped")

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