for interest: cygwin rpm on sourceforge

Anon Sricharoenchai
Sun Apr 1 13:02:00 GMT 2001

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Charles Wilson wrote:

> This is probably an over-reaction on my part.  In some respects, RUE
> Satoh's rpm stuff and the Project Heavymoon thing *predate* the cygwin
> setup.exe.  However, without a fully native port of rpm you can't use
> rpm stuff to "bootstrap" an install.
> We wanted a windows program (non-cygwin-based) that could be used to
> install cygwin onto a cygwin-less system; thus, setup.exe was born --
> and rpm packaging was rejected (at least for the time being).  The
> various RPM sites require you to already have a working cygwin
> installation before you can add their rpm-packaged extras.

Why don't setup.exe bootstrap in the following way?
1. install all *.dll needed to run cygwin program (especially rpm program).
2. install the rpm program from tarball.
3. then all other packages (in rpm version) can be installed.

Or it can bootstrap from ramdrive containing *.dll and rpm program,
then install the *.rpm into the harddrive, like that the most linux
distribution does.  The temporary directory in the harddrive may be used
instead of ramdrive, because the harddrive is available in the setup time.

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