standard output?

Christopher Faylor
Thu Mar 1 08:35:00 GMT 2001

On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 12:10:05PM +0100, Manuel Carro wrote:
>    Hi.  I am using (very successfully, congratulations to the folks
>at cygnus!) cygwin to port a rather Unix big application to Windows
>(it is Prolog compiler + ancillary tools:
> ).  It always went really
>smooth, but for a problem: I am unable to see the standard output of
>a, say, "hello, world!" program in the MS-DOS console.  The program
>starts up and finishes, but printing does not seem to come out (it
>works just fine double clicking on it, or starting it from the cygnus
>console).  Tried -mwindows and putting a WinMainCRTStartup function,
>to no avail.  

Adding -mwindows means that the application is not a console application
so output does not go to stdout.  You just can't do that in Windows.

I'm redirecting your request to the cygwin mailing list since this is not
really a cygwin-apps type of question -- unless you are planning on making
this software part of the standard Cygwin release.


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