strange source packaging?

Robert Collins
Fri Apr 19 05:48:00 GMT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Wilson [] 
> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 12:44 AM

> of the antecedent project.   There is no way, given just 
> gcc-2.95.3-5-src.tar.bz2, to "revert to the 'original' 
> source" -- short 
> of also downloading the 2.95.3 source from, 
> unpacking both, 
> and doing 'diff -r cygwin-version-of-gcc gnu-version-of-gcc'.

And the GPL requires us to document the changes made - if we have the
patch pre-applied, with no reverse patch, then this isn't the case.
Asking folk to go elsewhere to get that 'pristine' source puts the onus
on the upstream to make that available, which we can't do - for the same
reason that folk that ship cygwin1.dll need to host their own copy of
the source.


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