new branch tagged for setup

Robert Collins
Wed Jul 3 07:48:00 GMT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pavel Tsekov" <>
To: "Robert Collins" <>

> It seems to be gone :)

Yes, ermm, cough, cough. I had a bug in my new code, which I was still
tracking down here. It's fixed now, in CVS, and a new snapshot is on the

> Since the code has changed quite a bit since the previous snapshot I
> had to add some code to get the contents of the dependencies - please
> just take a look to see if this is the proper code to extract the
> dependencies:
>   vector <vector <PackageSpecification *> *> *ppp;
>   if ((ppp = pkg.desired.depends ()) != 0)

pkg.desired() is never NULL. It's guaranteed to point at a valid vector.

>     {
>       int sz = ppp->size ();
>       for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
>         {
>            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (*ppp)[i]->size (); j++)
>              {
>                 String sss;
>                 sss = (*((*ppp)[i]))[j]->packageName();
>                 continue;
>              }
>         }
>     }

You might find the following code a little easier (extracted from
Note the use of iterators, and that this code dumps version information in
the specification as well.

log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Depends:"
for (vector<vector <PackageSpecification *> *>::const_iterator iAnd =
     pkg.desired()->begin(); iAnd != pkg.desired()->end(); ++iAnd)
    for (vector<PackageSpecification *>::const_iterator i=
         i != (*iAnd)->end(); ++i)
        log(LOG_BABBLE) << **i << " |" << endLog;
    log (LOG_BABBLE) << "end of OR list," << endLog;

I plan on making this much more readable and then making an operator String
for vector<vector <PackageSpecification *> *> to allow easy dumping.


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