ITP: profile

Harold L Hunt II
Mon Jul 29 05:58:00 GMT 2002

Earnie Boyd wrote:
> John Morrison wrote:
>>>>(PS, I'm subscribed ;)
>>>By this I assume you to mean that you don't need to be listed in the
>>>distribution.  You need to set the Reply-To header if you want that to
>>>happen.  See the archives of many lists for explanations.
>>No, I mean I keep getting two copies of every email :)  I don't need
>>to be CC'd.
> In response to this email I hit Reply-All.  If you don't set Reply-To
> then this email is sent to you in response and the list is CCed.  I and
> others don't adjust the distribution as I/we can't remember the names of
> the 1000's of people on this list.  It's you who needs to adjust the
> headers not me or someone else.
> Earnie.


The reply-to address for the mailing list is now

In light of this, maybe you should reevaluate whether your default 
action should be to hit ``reply'' or ``reply-to-all''.


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