
Christopher Faylor
Wed Nov 13 21:19:00 GMT 2002

On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 09:15:49PM -0800, Eduardo Chappa wrote:
>*** Eduardo Chappa ( escribio en Oct 7, 2002:
>:)   I am the maintainer of the Pine package.
>:) Therefore I am making this the last release of pine-4.44 before
>:) pine-4.50
>I did not think that I would have to take my word back, but I am. A few
>days ago a denial of service bug was discovered (see bugtraq, I don't have
>the link off hand). I am releasing a version of Pine which does not
>suffer from this vulnerability. Please upgrade the new version of Pine.


FYI, I modified setup.hint slightly.  There is no reason to include explicit
prev and curr fields when the defaults will do.  Also, indenting the ldesc
doesn't make sense since if/when it is displayed, it won't be displayed with
a leading ldesc: field.


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