And one more package, astyle Re: New Package: doxygen-1.2.17

Corinna Vinschen
Wed Sep 11 02:06:00 GMT 2002

On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 12:40:53AM +0000, Gareth Pearce wrote:
> Hmmm I was under the impression that for a package to be accepted it needed
> a) - someone to check it for packaging.
> b) - at least 3 votes saying that it is desired to be seen in the 
> distribution.
> which so long as person in a) is competant - seems fine to me.

Ok, that's no. 2 and other packages are still missing the pro votes.
I could step in and be no. 3 but...

...where are all the subscribers of this list?  How should we ever
get enough positive votes for a package if nobody cares?  I always
see the same names if it comes to vote for a package and I see
always the same (less) names if it comes to reviewing a package.

The Cygwin net distro isn't sort of a one man show, it's a community
effort.  It's not Chris and me who are the responsible people for
reviewing a package and we are not the only people with the right 
to upload packages.

Please note, *all* maintainers are welcome to give his/her voice for
a new package.

And by all means I think a positive vote should be combined with at
least *some* reviewing of a package.

I failed to check this in the past sometimes but I will not upload
a package with less than three positive votes in future.

Outstanding packages:

	procps	(reviewed, 2 votes, John and me)
	ELFIO	(reviewed, 2 votes, Joshua and Nicholas)
	doxygen (reviewed, 0 votes)
	astyle	(NOT reviewed, 1 vote, Gareth)


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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