[PATCH] Bigger Chooser Part 3 In Super 3-D: RECTPP

Max Bowsher maxb@ukf.net
Sun Apr 6 00:02:00 GMT 2003

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 09:51, Max Bowsher wrote:
>>>> Maybe RECTWrapper
>>> Exactly.
>> Reviewing my suggestion, I don't like it any more. After all, is doesn't
>> wrap - it inherits.
> The Adapter pattern (Design Patterns, pg 139) a.k.a. Wrapper uses
> inheritance.

But RECTFOO is a completely different sort of thing to
SIDWrapper/HANDLEWrapper. Surely we shouldn't call it something that
suggests resemblance?

However, I'm starting to think this discussion could rumble on for all
eternity, and its not a matter of vital importance. Please call it to a halt
with a maintainer's decree if you get bored with it.


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