ctags 5.5-2

Simon Liddington sjl@zepler.org
Thu Apr 10 23:16:00 GMT 2003

I have updated the ctags package to remove the empty postinstall 
directory and added a patch to fix a bug where using --help or --version 
with --recurse would run ctags as well as displaying the help or version 
information. This was a bug introduced in ctags 5.5. I have sent the 
patch to Darren Hiebert, the author.




category: Devel
requires: cygwin regex
sdesc: "A C programming language indexing and/or cross-reference tool"
ldesc: "Exuberant Ctags generates an index (or tag) file of language objects
found in source files for many popular programming languages. This index
makes it easy for text editors and other tools to locate the indexed
items. Exuberant Ctags improves on traditional ctags because of its
multilanguage support, its ability for the user to define new languages
searched by regular expressions, and its ability to generate emacs-style
TAGS files."

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