PCRE package for consideration

Ronald Landheer-Cieslak ronald@landheer.com
Mon Apr 28 15:07:00 GMT 2003

On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Gareth Pearce wrote:
>>> [1] = relibtoolizing et.al. with the included reconf-cygwin.sh
>>>       shellscript
>> The Cygwin/Windows part doesn't use Libtool for a reason: DLLs don't get
>> created properly with the current libtool (as you have apparently found
>> out in another mail).
> I'm confused, wasnt the point of libtool 1.5 being that dll's Did finally
> work with cygwin?
AFAIK, yes, but as Gerrit found out, when linking pcreposix, the DLL gets 
linked to the installed cygpcre.dll. Libtool does, therefore, make a DLL, 
but not a correct one.

I probably should have inserted "the" just before "DLLs" to make the 
sentence a bit less general, though..


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