[ITP] elinks-0.9.0

Frédéric L. W. Meunier 1@pervalidus.net
Sat Dec 27 03:06:00 GMT 2003

On Fri, 26 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

> > Well, freshmeat.net worked just after it got updated. But I can
> > reproduce it at
> > http://interviews.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/08/18/1229216
> Works just fine for me.
> Are you sure that the page is not finishing loading and that you are
> just seeing a problem with the screen updating?  The screen updating
> doesn't work well in elinks, nor in links (at least on Cygwin); I have
> noticed in both programs that the wrong lines on the screen are
> highlighted for entry boxes and that various regions of the screen are
> not cleaned up when the screen changes.  I wouldn't doubt it if you are
> seeing the page load but that the status line doesn't get wiped on your
> screen.  Is that what is happening, or is the page never even rendered?

It doesn't seem to be rendered and I have to kill the process.
And after that I have to use 'reset' since the terminal gets
messed up.

For example,
loaded, and I got (1/72).

With the others I get (1/4), (1/5)...

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