Pending package status (14 Jul 2003)

Daniel Bößwetter
Wed Jul 16 16:51:00 GMT 2003

Thanks for testing, Igor! Hoping that you vote counts, I fixed some of 
the points you mentioned (and some others). Comments inline.

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

>On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Elfyn McBratney wrote:
>>On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Elfyn McBratney wrote:
>>>@ TCM
>>>date   : 27 Jan 2003
>>>version: 2.20-1
>>>status : updated package is available for review
>>>notes  :
>>>votes  : 2 (Christopher and Lapo)
>>>url    :
>>The above packages will disapear from the list unless they are reviewed
>>or get some votes... So, unless you want to see these leave, please take
>>  Elfyn
>I'd like to vote for TCM (it's questionable whether my votes count, but
>still).  I've also reviewed the binary and source packages from the URLs
>above.  Some points below:
>1) The install path of /usr/X11R6/bin seems to be compiled in, and tcm
>   ignores TCM_HOME when looking for apps.  Don't know if that's normal.
>   The apps themselves seem to be working fine.  TCM will work in a
>   default install, BTW, so this is minor.
Right, I changed it to honor TCM_HOME (if present).

>2) I still get a message about not being able to open color info file
>   "colorrgb.txt" when TCM_HOME is set.  The path in the message is
>   "$TCM_HOME/lib/colorrgb.txt".  Shouldn't it be
>   "$TCM_HOME/share/tcm-2.20/colorrgb.txt" instead?
Hm, difficult. The searching of files was changed from TCM versions 2.01 
to 2.20. In the former, there was only the TCM_HOME variable, but now 
there are several additional environment variables for different 
purposes. The transition between both seems to be incomplete yet and 
there is a lot of compatibility code.

So the actual problem is, that colorrgb.txt resides in the lib-dir of 
the source tree but is copied to the shared-dir in the binary install. 
If I simply changed it, you won't be able to run it without installing 
it (from your build directory).

Since I didn't want to touch this (not today at least), I can only give 
you a workaround, which is now also described in the README: if you want 
to install it in a non-standard place, set TCM_CONFIG to the directory 
where colorrgb lives.

>3) The README from the source package doesn't seem to be anywhere in the
>   binary package.  It should probably go into /usr/doc/tcm-2.20/...  In
>   fact, there's plenty of HTML documentation in the source package that
>   would be right at home in /usr/doc/tcm-2.20/, but isn't included in the
>   binary package for some reason.
Oops. The last package was built with a broken Makefile which led to 
some missing files in the doc-directory. Fixed.

>4) When making the source package, make is passing the MinGW include
>   directory to g++.  This seems to come from src/Config.tmpl_CYGWIN.  Is
>   that intentional?
Yes. It took me some time to figure out, but the reason for this is 
called "_G_config.h". libio.h requires this and the only file on my 
system by that name is in the mingw-subdir.

[_] bug in the compiler / library package
[_] bug in my installation (unlikely, since I compiled it on several 
[_] bug in my head


>5) The comment in /usr/doc/Cygwin/tcm-2.20.README says that gcc-2.95-5 is
>   needed to compile TCM.  Is that really the case?  Could it have
>   something to do with 4) above?  FWIW, removing the mingw headers line
>   mentioned in 4) allowed me to build most[*] apps and libs from source
>   with no errors using gcc-3.2.
I'm not too much into C++, but AFAIK gcc-3 has changed a lot towards 
ISO/ANSI compatibility. I tried gcc-3 again and got loads of funny "this 
is not ISO-compliant" messages in the TCM-source. I'll ask the 
TCM-developers about that.

The new packages are available under the same address (above). BTW: 
these are still built on Cygwin 1.3, I'll try to upgrade to 1.5 soon. 
Are "old" packages still accepted for submission?

Volunteers for testing welcome!

"I found the last bug!" (Anonymous Programmer :-)


>	Igor
>[*] I stopped the build at tcmd.exe/libtcmdv.a, but everything up to that
>point built just fine.

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