He wrote, then she wrote, ... (was RE: when is next release of setup.exe)

Max Bowsher maxb@ukf.net
Sun Mar 9 01:09:00 GMT 2003

>>> (Robert Collins) wrote:
>> I have a symlink in my home dir called setup-snapshots, which is a
>> link to the actual dir for http://www.cygwin.com/setup-snapshots.
>> To make a snapshot, I use:
>> make snapshot cygwinsite=rbcollins@cygwin.com
>> voila.
>> So, for you to get snapshot access, ask Chris for
>> a) scp upload access
>> b) write access to the setup-snapshots directory.
>> c) said symlink in your home dir.
>> (If you have ssh shell access, you have a, and can make c yourself.

Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Don't "ask Chris".  Go to http://sourceware.org/ and fill out the form
> referenced on that page.  List rbcollins@sourceware.org as the
> approver.

I've filled in the form once for cvs access, and the page is emphatic about
not filling it in twice. Presumably, then, I need to forward an email from
Robert to overseers.

Now, since I *don't* have shell access, and I don't know whether scp-only
access exists, I need to know whether you are approving me for scp access,
and I should ask for a suitable symlink to be created for me, or for shell


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