Failed to build popt 1.7 DLL with libtool 1.5

Max Bowsher
Sun May 11 17:45:00 GMT 2003

Dario Alcocer wrote:
> OK, I *know* I'm doing something wrong, I just can't figure out what it
> is.  I unpacked popt-1.7.tar.gz and ran the following to try to build
> the popt DLL:
>   $ tar xzf popt-1.7.tar.gz; cd popt-1.7
>   $ libtoolize --copy --force
>   You should update your `aclocal.m4' by running aclocal.
>   $ aclocal
>   $ autoconf
>   $ patch -b -p1 < ../popt-1.7-1.patch
>   patching file
>   patching file findme.c
>   patching file popt.c
>   patching file poptconfig.c
>   $ ./configure
>   $ make
> After doing this, however, I don't end up with a cygpopt*.dll file
> anywhere in the popt-1.7. What step(s) am I missing?

Well, for a start, since popt AC_PREREQs a 2.1x autoconf version, the
autotool wrapper scripts will have selected the old libtool-1.4.3, which
doesn't do DLLs nicely.


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