otcl, ns/nam (Re: Pending Packages List, 2003-10-21)

Gerrit P. Haase gp@familiehaase.de
Thu Oct 23 00:28:00 GMT 2003

Hallo Harold,

Am Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2003 um 22:11 schriebst du:

>> ITP: ns
>> Description: The Network Simulator - ns-2
>>    Proposer: Harold L Hunt II
>>         ITP: mailto:cygwin-apps-get.11748@cygwin.com
>>        Also: nam  [The Network Animator - Nam]
>>      Status: ITP posted.
>>    HOLD-UPS: Not enough votes (need 3). No package, nothing to review!
>> ITP: otcl
>> Description: OTcl, short for MIT Object Tcl, is an extension to Tcl/Tk for ...
>>    Proposer: Harold L Hunt II
>>         ITP: mailto:cygwin-apps-get.11748@cygwin.com
>>        Also: tclcl  [TclCL (Tcl with classes) is a Tcl/C++ interface used by Mash, vic, vat, ...]
>>      Status: ITP posted.
>>    HOLD-UPS: Not enough votes (need 3). No package, nothing to review!

> otcl is turning out to be a nightmare.  It isn't libtoolized, it uses 
> ridiculous hard-coded checks, for example for libXext.a (we use 
> libXext.dll.a), and it requires source files from tcl in order to be 
> built.  It also can't be built in a directory other than the source 
> directory (though I usually use lndir for packages that are broken in 
> this way).

> I am a little leary of distributing it as an independent package.  Do we 
> ever do static builds of libraries that are in bad shape and only needed 
> by one or two clients?  If so, should I skip otcl and just build ns/nam 
> against a static otcl that is not distributed?

> Ugh... you would think that a library with less than 100 KiB of source 
> would take less time to package than say, lesstif, but you would be wrong :)

> I would appreciate any pointers,

At least the source needs to be distributed if the library is used,
even if it only used at link time.  And if you need it at link time
you need to build it anyway and then you can also distribute it as a
seperate package.  Just include a ready to use Makefile and a patch in
the source package that reflects all the changes, that should be
enough IMO.


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