Patch for generic-build-script

Robb, Sam
Thu Aug 12 18:57:00 GMT 2004

> Good catch.  I'd rather add the '-r' ('--no-run-if-empty') flag to the
> all of the xargs invocations, though.

Told you I wasn't familiar with xargs :-)  I really need to spend some
time and get more comfortable with it.
> > - When compressing files using gzip as part of an install, adds
> >   the -f flag to the gzip arguments to force compression.
> >
> > -Samrobb
> Why?  Is it just to force compression of files that wouldn't 
> benefit from
> it?  Frankly, I'm not clear on why this is useful...

I ran into this becuase gzip was complining that a file had "too
many links" to compress.  It also forces compression when the
resulting output file already exists.  I was running into the
first problem - e2fsprogs installs some man pages, then creates
hard link to some of the man pages under a different name.

I'll be honest in that I'm not positive this is the right thing
to do in these situations ().  If I understnad things correctly,
the warning is there to let you know that you're breaking a hard
link; but I'm not sure that's really an issue, aside from creating
a slightly larger binary package.


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