Bug in ssmtp-config, and a general note about configuration interview scripts

Robert R Schneck-McConnell schneck@math.berkeley.edu
Sun Aug 22 03:03:00 GMT 2004

John Hardin wrote:
> Just ran across a bug in ssmtp-config that brings up an issue in
> build-a-config-file interview scripts in general:
> If the user makes an error typing in a config setting, and (naturally
> enough) hits the backspace key to fix it, ssmtp-config (and probably
> many other similar scripts as well) will embed a literal backspace in
> the configuration setting - in other words, they're using raw input
> rather than cooked.

I'll note that the bug does not manifest (for me) using rxvt.

> I would like to suggest to all who are writing interview scripts that
> they should use "read -e VARNAME" instead of "read VARNAME" to get data
> from the user. "read -e" uses the readline library which, among other
> things, properly handles backspaces.

I'll make this change and submit a new package in a week or so, unless
anyone can think of any problem with this approach.


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