generic build doubts

Lapo Luchini
Tue Feb 24 19:36:00 GMT 2004

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> That's a GnuPG thing, right?  There's nothing in the script itself that
> does any prompting...

Yup, GPG asks for a password to unlock secret key.
(unless, of course, you're crazy enough not to have a password 
protecting it...)

> Well, I just realized anyway that the script *should* run unattended when
> building from source on a user machine, independent of whether the user
> has gpg or not.  So, unless package signing is an integral part of the
> build process, the signing should only be turned on by the maintainer, and
> be off by default everywhere else.

Exactly what I tought when I did that in the first place ^_^

L a p o   L u c h i n i
l a p o @ l a p o . i t
w w w . l a p o . i t /

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